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Logo for a worker-owned environmental consulting cooperative specializing in terrestrial, wetland, and marine ecosystems
pen and ink, digital color, with a frame that implies a compass rose
Nautilus Foods Logo
Restaurant logo for a chef specializing in ramen noodle bowls.
Jefferson County Conservation District of Washington Logo
Depicting balanced agricultural and natural uses, stitched together by a pristine river, and happy bird soaring overhead
Port Townsend Film Festival Logo
familiar, yet new, giving an older logo a fresh new look
Port of Port Townsend
New 2022 Logo featuring Alcone (famous ship repaired locally) and the Pt. Wilson lighthouse
Washington State Journal Logo
ditigal design
Website version of the Logo
Superimposed on an image of eastern washington
Well Seasoned 505
Logo for a New Mexico-based meal-prep and catering service. Featuring a most-beloved cast-iron pan.
Menzies Project Logo
Underwater research and exploration is the emphasis. I like how the tiny little wave up top reflected by the curve of the J at the bottom.
Boatbuilder Logo. (The boatbuilder was Mr. Matthews, and Benjamin was the Shop Dog.)
pen and ink, working from a photograph taken from below the hull
A logo for a small hand-crafted business specializing in soaps, recycled art and other oddities
And every castle needs a dragon, right?
Salish Rescue Logo for a group on Port Townsend teaching teens water rescue and safety
Digital design working from a photograph
Logo for a nutrition business
digital design
Logo for a North Carolina breakfast gathering to discuss and support mental health.
this client knew exactly what they wanted, to tie the state, the cause ribbon and the words together in a tidy package.
JC MASH’s mission is to strengthen and broaden the safety net of accessible medical care for all community members
A more caring, more human approach to medical care
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